15 Most Headscratchingly Awful Video Game Redesigns

10. Bionic Commando

space invaders

One of Capcom's classic NES games, Bionic Commando, got the remake treatment in 2008 with Bionic Commando: ReArmed, a glorious HD remake.

ReArmed, however, was just a prequel to the real reboot, simply titled Bionic Commando. This game brought with it an indecipherably stupid plot that made blowing up Hitler in the first game seem logical.

The protagonist Nathan Spencer, now with dreads and vague ethnicity he apparently earned in prison, is ensnarled in a twisting backstory. Bionics are distrusted by the public and the government, even though the government created them.

Super Joe, a war hero who you rescued in the first game, reveals midway through the game that he's actually a terrorist leader now, working alongside a bionic Nazi.

Nothing's more stupid, however, than Emily, Nathan's wife. It turns out that Emily, to prevent Nathan from losing his mind to his arm's faulty brain attachment, submitted herself to bionic synchronization into Nathan's arm.

In short, that means HIS ARM IS HIS WIFE.


Fan of professional wrestling and fighting game enthusiast. While he insists Street Fighter V isn't as bad as you think, he will agree that it's kinda crap anyways.