15 Most Headscratchingly Awful Video Game Redesigns

9. Bomberman: Act Zero

space invaders

This game is synonymous with awful redesigns, and for good reasons. Cute japanese puzzle game? Not anymore.

Released for the Xbox 360 in 2006, Konami seemed to believe that they could tap Bomberman, one of their most popular IP, into the western market, where gritty, violent games such as Halo were ruling the sales charts.

Enter Bomberman: Act Zero, a rebranding of Bomberman into a much darker universe. Bombermen, born from steel chambers with metallic armor grafted into their skin, fight for freedom through waves of endless mechanical arenas.

Nothing about this game makes sense on a conceptual level.

Your strangely sexualized Bombermen and Bomberwomen, in black latex and oddly revealing armor, must fight through waves of simplistic Bomberman-style gameplay, in either classic top-down view or a new "First Person Battle" camera angle. There's no ability to save as you traverse over 100 floors. You lose? You restart the entire thing.

Not that you'd want to restart the game.


Fan of professional wrestling and fighting game enthusiast. While he insists Street Fighter V isn't as bad as you think, he will agree that it's kinda crap anyways.