15 Most Legendary Maps In Halo History

1. Blood Gulch – Halo

halo blood gulch

The original and most iconic Halo map of them all. Most of this credit will go to the very successful Red vs Blue series which spent most of it's early seasons stuck on that infernal rock. A very simple landscape map with a base on either side in near symmetrical form, its not difficult to understand why this map was used in so many game types.

With the map being remade and re-envisioned into other sequels, such as Coagulation in Halo 2, Valhalla in Halo 3, Haemorrhage in Halo Reach and even Halo 5 has had multiple forge world creations.

There's nothing more fun than to clamber a few mates and take a Warthog (or Puma if you follow RvsB) out for a spin, until you inevitably get destroyed by a Scorpion Tank (in later games) or Rocket Launcher.


What's the best Halo map of all time? Let us know in the comments!

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