15 Most Legendary Maps In Halo History

12. Hang 'Em High – Halo

halo blood gulch

For all intensive purposes this map shouldn't work, with vast open areas, high walk ways and close quarter bases, it feels like a cluster-whack of everything, sort of like a box of quality street with all the good stuff taken out.

On the original Halo though, having the pistol caused some great fire fights, especially in one on one confrontations. Ducking and diving between columns, crouching about, it was really satisfying. It was remade for Halo 2, but without the iconic pistol it wasn't really the same.

Still a cult favourite to a lot of people, this map is certainly a love/hate relationship with players. Some feel it's too big for small matches, and other people feel spawn trapped, while others just love grabbing the sniper rifle and picking Spartans off one by one.

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