15 Most Mind-Blowing Video Game Plot Twists Of The 2000s

13. Kessler Is Cole From The Future - Infamous

Sucker Punch are one of those developers that one day will deliver their magnum opus, a truly great title that undeniably etches itself onto the 'Games You Must Play Before You Die' list. They're incredibly talented as a combined studio of creatives, but as of yet both Infamous and the Sucker Punch games are better regarded as cult-classics than anything greater. However, that shouldn't stop you snatching one of them up for far cheaper these days, and such a critically revered status means they're doing plenty right. Case in point; the story of the first two Infamous games. Delving into a fairly basic superhero setup (random event causes one Cole Macgrath to gain unbelievable powers), the bigger narrative push came from a mysterious figure forever taunting and interacting with him from afar. Named Kessler, he factored into one of the best-told finales of all time, where following a mind-meld between the two it's revealed Kessler IS Cole. He travelled back in time to save both himself and everyone else who'd developed powers in the future by shaping Cole into a better warrior than he ever could be, forced to kill Macgrath's girlfriend to further shape his resolve. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87PTASpeVdg For all the series tends to get overlooked, it's expert exposition and delivery that actually make Sucker Punch's debut PS3 franchise their finest.
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