15 Most Mind-Blowing Video Game Plot Twists Of The 2000s

11. You Don't Make It - Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare

Despite it regularly getting thrown under the bus as some "dudebro shooter" (whatever that really means), COD's legacy was built one title at a time across the 2000s, and before it would get split across three studios to fulfil annual release contracts, Infinity Ward were taking risks, setting standards and, well, revolutionising the industry. One brilliant decision was to play out the aftermath of a mission-gone-sour, all from your soldier Paul Jackson's perspective. As you attempted to crawl forward in the wreckage caused from a nuclear explosion, at no point did anyone playing think it wasn't going to turn out alright in the end. In a very resonant set of shots, you first play as the blast goes off in real time, cut away to a computer console registering Jackson's life signs afterwards, dive back in and try to navigate the aftermath - only for his heartbeat to take over the audio, and your vision to fade to white. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jB-n_8zq9Qo The camera pans back out to the computer console and it reads "K.I.A.", perfectly connoting the difference between being on the front lines, and watching everything unfold from behind a screen.
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