15 Most Overrated Video Games Of The 2000s

3. Fable 2

If I could have, I would have featured every single entry into the Fable franchise on this list. While they aren't all bad games per-se, the franchise as a whole has always seemed like an anomaly in the video game world. An RPG with shallow features, many of the elements that are brought up when discussing Microsoft's franchise have nothing on other games that do the same things, only better. But it's the second release that's usually thought about as the series' peak, and while it is the best Fable game overall, it's still baffling how the title received such a massive following. While the characters and worlds could often be rather unique and the game captured a kind of quirky, almost cartoon aesthetic that few RPGs adopt, whenever you're forced into the mundane and shallow gameplay all the promise of the set-up quickly disappears.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3