15 Most Overrated Video Games Of The 2000s

1. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots

Coming out to near-perfect scores at the time, the final entry in the Solid Snake saga quickly went down as one of the best games of all time upon its first release. More than anything else, the game provided a reason for those on the fence to pick up Sony's then-fledging console; the final game in one of the most respected franchises of all time was getting 10/10s across the board, and it was only available on the Playstation 3. In hindsight though, the overall package of MGS4 makes for a ridiculously uneven product. While it's a cliché at this point to talk about the game's many, many cinematics, they truly are an issue. Crippling the pacing of the experience and taking control away from the player far too often, after the first couple of hours of these cut-scenes you just zone out, which meant even the most die-hard MGS fan would end up missing out on key bits of info that helped make sense of the title's ridiculous story. While it does hit some gargantuan highs at some pivotal moments (especially when it lovingly harkens back to older games in the series), there's simply not enough of them to make up for portions of the game that are a slog to get through. MGS4 was the point where this increasingly silly franchise went completely went off the rails - and while some players probably loved that, it left the majority of us are wondering how Metal Gear Solid 4 received such a flawless reception.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3