15 Most Underrated Video Games Of The Decade (So Far)

1. Vanquish

This is hands-down the best third-person shooter since Gears of War. There, it's been said.

Quite why Platinum Games' take on the genre went quite so unnoticed is something close to a travesty, as when you've got a developer that revels in the absurd, creating a title where you play a super-suited up soldier with jet-boots capable of turning the world into slow motion as he pumps round after round into a huge variety of enemies is something worth shouting about.

Oh, and you'll occasionally stop to behead a boss character with a rocket-powered fist...

Don't worry about the plot, it's some sci-fi mumbo-jumbo that essentially just exists to hurtle you through a variety of expertly-designed stages replete with a number of boss encounters and friendly characters you could pop out a stereotype mould with your little finger. Instead it's the gameplay that shines brightest - and when you're sliding along the floor at 100mph, rattling enemies with well-placed laser-beams and coming to a stop only to dropkick the last guy in any given arena, there's just nothing better.


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