15 Most Underrated Video Games Of The Decade (So Far)

15. DmC: Devil May Cry

DMC: Devil May Cry
Ninja Theory

It's like Metallica in the 90s all over again; "Oh the hair's different, we just can't COPE!"

Well, yes, hero Dante's iconic albino-top was turned a far darker shade to be in-keeping with his 'edgier' and more modern redesign, but Ninja Theory more than delivered in every other area where it counts too.

From throwing in some awesome tweaks and modifiers to the core combat formula to telling a story that essentially paints the right-wing Government as media-controlling super-demons, the rebooted DmC wasn't given anywhere near a fair shake purely down to this major aesthetic overhaul.

With the Definitive Edition now out on new consoles with a butter-smooth frame rate and bonus Vergil chapter lobbed in for good measure among a slew of additional tweaks and bonus modes for hardcore players, Dante quite easily boots Bayonetta off the third-person action throne and reclaims his rightful place.

Long may he reign.

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