15 Most Underrated Video Games Of The Decade (So Far)

14. Tomb Raider

Another one for the remastered 'Definitive Edition' pile, but one that actually makes that label truly worthwhile, sprucing up the graphical wallop of Lara's latest adventures considerably and refining the framerate in some more action-heavy set-pieces to make sure the whole thing feels effortless.

Crystal Dynamics basically just looked at Uncharted, noted there was a quip-happy hero they couldn't replicate and instead doubled down on Lara's survivalist nature, putting her through a string of character-building scenarios - forever turning a mild-mannered adventurer into the hardened badass from the earlier games everyone knows and loves.

Story-wise the voice acting is all over the place, but purely for gameplay this is the best the 'Raider has ever been. You'll unlock a huge amount of moves from melee axe-swings to counter-attacks, gun upgrades and even explosive bow-modifications to effectively hunt down packs of guards from the treetops. With a game engine that encourages experimentation and general pace that hurtles everything along at a great pace, this is one of the best third-person action-adventures in years regardless of franchise.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.