15 Problems Only Dead Space Fans Will Understand

12. Never Bringing An Air Can And Always Needing One

"I don't need an air can." At least, that's what you tell yourself. With inventory management being a hellish balancing act between health, ammo and other loot, there's no room for a contingency can of O2. After all, there are oxygen stations scattered around the ship, so as long you move quickly enough, there shouldn't be a problem. Unfortunately, when you're just not fast enough, you'll find yourself gasping your final breath five feet in front of the door, wishing you brought one less small med pack and one more can of air.
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Dead Space
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Ken was born in 1994, and before the turn of the century, he was already a gamer for life, starting with Pokémon Blue Version. He has a passion for storytelling, especially in the gaming medium. Growing up on a healthy diet of JRPGs and point and click adventure games, young Kenny grew up playing Nintendo and Sony consoles, before becoming a snobby member of the PC Master Race. Nowadays, he resides in a time warp, refusing to believe the nineties ended as he fills up his Steam library with old point and clicks and cRPGs.