15 Terrible Mistakes That Almost Ruined Grand Theft Auto

5. GTA Advance

The only GTA game to date not to be developed by Rockstar, Grand Theft Auto Advance is a rather limp attempt to shove GTA into the handheld market (though 2009's GTA: Chinatown Wars achieved this much more comfortably), and releasing it on the same day as San Andreas was a move that, if nothing else, totally backfired. Returning to the top-down view of the earlier GTA games, it's permissible that the game was never going to have stunning graphics, but even so, they look insanely rudimentary for a 2004 GBA game, the driving controls are especially infuriating, and the music sucks. Sure, the gameplay is still fun to a point, but Rockstar's lack of input is painfully apparent throughout, resulting in an unpolished final product that squandered its serious promise, ensuring it's easily the worst game in the franchise. The game does have its fans, and the reviews weren't totally awful, but in comparison to everything else in the series, it seems lazy and cheap.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.