15 Things Only Rainbow Six: Siege Fans Will Understand
4. The Despair When One Of Your Team Is A Recruit
So you've organised your squad perfectly. You've got Mute, Frost, Valkyrie and Bandit all chosen. But there's one rogue element in the mix - someone who isn't in your party. Someone who still hasn't chosen their operator with only five seconds left on the clock. Someone who's doomed to start the match as a Recruit.
The class that everyone starts out with before they can buy a proper operator, recruits are significantly underpowered when compared to anyone else on the roster, boasting a limited amount of reinforcements and a paltry selection of gadgets.
Consequently any team with a recruit is everything but a man down, and a player letting the clock accidentally run out and getting lumped with this class is a possibility which becomes a reality far too often, especially when playing casual rather than ranked.