15 Upcoming PS4 Exclusives Games You Must Consider

5. Drawn To Death

Release Date: TBA 2015 The Buzz: Drawn to Death is more than just a game made by the devs with the most eccentric name in the industry, The Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency. It's also directed by David Jaffe, the mastermind behind the acclaimed God of War franchise, and is set to be one of the most aesthetically interesting games of the year. Taking place inside a teenager's roughly-scrawled notebook, Drawn to Death is a four-player multiplayer shooter with a very distinctive look and attitude: the visual style is comprised of intentionally crude drawings, though boast the insane imagination of any teenage boy also. The gameplay is said to be frantic and incredibly intense, and amusingly enough, even allows the player to use a power-up to summon the teenager's hand to provide a literal helping hand during combat. Gameplay footage shown off so far looks smart and subversive, which is exactly what the over-saturated shooter genre desperately needs.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.