15 Upcoming PS4 Exclusives Games You Must Consider

3. Nier 2

Release Date: TBA The Buzz: Now, in fairness, developer PlatinumGames (taking over from defunct dev Cavia) have deliberately avoided referring to their game by any concrete title, apparently due to spoilers, but it's at least known that the game takes place in the same world as 2010's criminally under-appreciated RPG Nier. The excitement should be self-evident to anyone who played the game: it may not have been the most visually resplendent game ever made, but it more than compensated with fluid gameplay, a killer musical score and a compelling story, packed with one fascinatingly meta twist in one of the several endings. Though there are a ton of question marks regarding the production, namely the developer change, legendary writer-director Taro Yoko remains at the helm, which should hopefully ensure a consistent experience and one which papers over the original Nier's flaws. It was only 10% finished back in June, so don't expect to see it for a while, but who even thought we'd ever get a follow-up anyway?
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.