15 Video Games That Every True Gamer Should Have Completed

2. Pokémon Red/Blue

With over 750 of the crazy critters now running out there in the wild, the world of Pokemon is massive and catching them all seems totally ridiculous. Way back in the day, when Pokemon was but a minor phenomenon and not the colossal marketing juggernaut it is now, there was merely 150 of the guys and gals. Getting them all was tough, but perfectly possible. Via the magic of link cables and cartridge borrowing, me and my friend managed to eventually capture every single Pokemon in the game, wondering exactly what the guy in the house would do who told us to visit him after we'd finished the Pokedex. After we did it, we visited him, he basically said, "Well done!"and that was that. We had all the Pokemon we'd ever need, trained them to perfection and still we'd delve into the game constantly to relive this marvelous new world. This then led to me becoming obsessed with Pokemon, religiously watching the cartoon, buying endless overpriced cards (my poor mother's stock of the old money was severely depleted by the end) and regularly turning to my Gameboy to relive the Pokemon experience. Yes, Pokemon X and Y were a bold new step for the franchise recently with fully 3D Pokemon and stuff, but this original title will always have a special place in the hearts of those who experienced it first.

Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.