15 Video Games That Every True Gamer Should Have Completed

13. Super Mario World

Although the first true Mario game is, and always will be, a classic, it's nothing compared to the superior Super Mario World. Building upon the mechanics laid down in the portly plumber's initial adventures, Super Mario world is the first of the batch of endless Mario games to develop series staples such as a world map to explore, additional power-ups such as the cape and everyone's favourite long-tongued dinosaur thing, Yoshi. I remember playing Super Mario world for the very first time way back when I was a wee nipper. Being a kid who wasn't blessed with the power of Nintendo gameplay (as I had a Megadrive/Genesis), my first hands-on experience with this game came at a friends house. After spending a few minutes getting to grips with the alien-feeling controller, I was instantly hooked. The one thing that always stood out for me about this game was the secrets it had to discover. Few games back in the day rewarded exploration outside the normal areas you visited, but Super Mario World had secrets that led to more secrets and had plenty to keep me hooked for days on end. In fact, I think my friend's mother may have had to forcibly remove me from the house after I played it. A broom may have been involved in this process at some point.

Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.