15 Video Games Made To Sell You Products

11. Pepsiman - Pepsi

Pepsiman Box

If you watch a single Pepsiman advert or play the Pepsiman game you'd probably be shocked to find out that Pepsiman isn't an American thing. The Pepsiman game is all in English and stars a fat American stereotype guzzling Pepsi which if anything makes me want to avoid the stuff, but it also makes it seem like an American idea.

Nope, Pepsiman came from Japan. He starred in a number of adverts where American citizens would feel thirsty before Pepsiman charges in to give them some of his delicious Pepsi juices (gross).

The game itself is an auto-runner and has four different areas to run through, San Francisco, New York, Texas, and Pepsi City - one of these things is not like the other.

Along the way you get chased down by a Coca-Cola truck, prevent a worldwide Pepsi shortage, and give Pepsi to those in a fire instead of rescuing them.

The last notable thing about the game is that the first level is really similar to the opening level in Sonic Adventure 2 which came out a few years after this. If Sonic copied Pepsiman of all things that'd be a new low for the hedgehog.

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Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.