15 Video Games That REWARD YOU For Playing Badly

13. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy

Crash Bandicoot

While later Crash instalments either reduced or removed the Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment altogether, the N. Sane Trilogy remaster introduced another "reward" for poor play- achievements.

If you're a completionist looking to get the maximum gamerscore, or platinum trophy (good luck), then you'll find yourself intentionally performing the criteria needed to unlock them. If you suck, meanwhile, you'll likely "achieve" at least one over the course of your failures regardless.

They include getting eaten by a venus flytrap, being stung by angry bees, electrocuted by a fence, or- most embarrassingly of all- spinning away an extra life token.

The achievement being called "I meant to do that!" doesn't really do anything to alleviate your shame, but the unique animations are enjoyable - the first time, at least.

Furthermore, Crash 3: Warped contains two bonus levels that can only be accessed by performing feats in specific places which in any other location would be considered a failure.

Should you be so bad as to run into a particular pterodactyl in Dino Might! or (fittingly enough) hit a road sign in Road Crash, you'll be warped into secret levels that competent players may otherwise miss without a guide.

How many people can honestly say they found them accidentally?


I'm perfectly sane, or so the voices tell me. British, sarcastic, president of the European Slinky Association, have a tendency to lie when listing things about myself. 100% guilty of being a massive geek obsessed with Doctor Who, Harry Potter and video games. If you can't find me on the internet, I'm probably locked in a room playing Spyro the Dragon on my old PlayStation, or blowing everything to smithereens with a concrete donkey on Worms: Armageddon.