15 Video Games You'll Play For The Rest Of Your Life

3. Harvest Moon

There's a whole genre of games about menial labour, games like Papers, Please and Night Shift, or Viscera Cleanup Detail; games that force the player to fulfil the parameters of an actual job, completing repetitive tasks for monetary compensation. Of course, these games aren't for everyone, but they'll always have a place; they can be a great way to turn your brain off, and they can even be therapeutic in a weird way.

Again, not for everyone. With that said, Harvest Moon is perhaps the best farming game ever made. That may not sound like much of an achievement, but the game is utterly captivating. It was a story, and some interesting characters, but the game itself revolves around harvesting crops, tending to farm animals and generally working nine to five to make a living.

I strongly believe there will always be a place for these kind of games; they'll always be a niche, no doubt, but they satisfy a very particular gaming itch in a way few others can.

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Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.