15 Weirdest The Legend Of Zelda Spin-Offs

12. The Legend Of Zelda Game & Watch

legend of Zelda wand of gamelon

Probably the most obscure Zelda game just because it came out the same year as the already obscure Zelda Game & Watch, and because of this it's a nightmare to search for; The Legend of Zelda Game Watch isn't even a Game & Watch, it's a normal watch that just happens to contain a really bad game on it.

Unlike the Game & Watch Zelda game, The Legend of Zelda Game Watch isn't much fun. You play as Link on a screen so small that you can barely tell what's going on. The game takes place in a dungeon made up of rooms that are identical to one another only with more enemies in each subsequent room.

Your goal is always the same, wait for a weapon to spawn, grab it, wait for a key to spawn, grab the key, and leave just to end up in a room which looks identical to the one you just left.

Occasionally you might get the luxury of fighting a dragon and get one of four pieces of the Triforce because apparently, the developers of this game don't know what tri means.


Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.