15 Weirdest The Legend Of Zelda Spin-Offs

7. Zelda's Adventure

legend of Zelda wand of gamelon

Whilst the previous two CD-i games were at least fun to laugh at, Zelda's Adventure is just boring. Gone are the so-bad-they're-good cutscenes, in their place we have some of the dryest live-action cutscenes ever made.

The game's story involves the kingdom of Tolemac (Camelot backwards because of course it is) being taken over by Ganon. Ganon captured Link so it's time for Zelda to save the iconic The Legend of Zelda location of Tolemac.

The game at least tries to be more like real Zelda games by giving us a top-down perspective. The problem is that this is messed up so badly that the gameplay of the original two CD-i games starts to look pretty appealing.

The level design is somehow worse than the other two Zelda CD-i games and those weren’t exactly great.

The controls are so clunky that you never really feel in control and the load times between screens often take longer than five seconds each. Seeing that you will be going between screens really frequently you'll spend most of your time sitting in silence as the game loads, wondering why you're playing this game.


Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.