15 Weirdest The Legend Of Zelda Spin-Offs

8. Tingle's Balloon Fight DS

legend of Zelda wand of gamelon

Out of every Zelda character, why is it that Tingle is the one to get his own games? We could get a spin-off Zelda game, a Ganon game, a Midna game, anything but a surprisingly large amount of Tingle games.

This Tingle game is a remake of Balloon Fight. You can play Balloon Fight Mode, a game where you must float around on your balloons and defeat all the enemies on the screen to progress. This can be played with up to four players instead of the original Balloon Fight which only allows you to play alone or with one other player.

The game also contains Balloon Trip Mode where you must float around on your balloons in a side scrolling level trying to collect balloons and not die.

The game itself is just a pretty good version of Balloon Fight that happens to star everybody's least favourite Zelda character. What makes it interesting is the way it was distributed. A physical copy was given exclusively to Japanese Platinum ranked Club Nintendo members. It was never released outside of Japan in any capacity.

Think of the utopia we could be living in if Tingle's Balloon Fight DS was released outside of Japan.


Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.