15 Worst Video Game Characters Of 2013

11. The Aliens (Aliens: Colonial Marines)

The Alien franchise is a beloved collection of movies, with a real sense of tension and fear based entirely on the fact that the antagonist Aliens are so horrifying. They creep about until the right moment to strike, making even the most seasoned space marines soil themselves. Among the litany of things that Colonial Marines got wrong is the fact that at no point in this torture they call a game do you ever feel even slightly threatened. This is because the aliens in Colonial Marines are complete imbeciles. Rather than use the brains inside their massive alien heads, they are content to just run at you mindlessly as if the kamikaze technique had reached space. There's no hiding or even strafing to avoid your bullets. No, these Aliens prefer to just take the direct approach, flinging themselves in front of your bullets in the hope that they can get a few swipes in before you kill them. If you can master the art of walking backwards and shooting then congratulations, you're a marine, son! Of course there are other parts of the game where you'll come up against a different kind of Alien. These are part of an attempt at a "stealth" section where you are stripped of your weapons and have to sneak past the Aliens without alerting them or they will easily kill you. It should be more tense but instead its even more ridiculous. These enemies can only sense you when you move so standing still when they come past is enough to render yourself invisible. Then all you have to do is turn on a generator, which for some reason sends them into a rage and forces them to attack the generator and have it explode in their own face. The marines themselves are terrible, but the Aliens are in a league of their own.

I''m a freelance media producer and writer. Im into sports, gaming, TV and music but I mostly write about wrestling. Thanks for reading!