15 Worst Video Games Of The Decade (So Far)

1. Blackwater

It had to be this little scuffed-up piece of trash for the top-spot - the PMC-backed on-rails shooter whose only saving grace from the fact it's essentially a propaganda tool built to promote a company who's responsible for a number of war crimes - is the fact it plays like hell. There's not a whole lot left to say, like the upcoming 'genocide simulator' Hatred or The Human Centipede movies, some things should probably forgo their right for mass consumption in their respective mediums, and thus with the advent of a morally hollow blast-a-thon that can't even get the weapon sounds right for its guns, gaming has provided its own low-point that the industry will have to dig supremely deep to match up to in future. What's been your worst game of the decade so far? Let us know in the comments!
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.