15 Worst Video Games Of The Decade (So Far)

13. Resident Evil 6

Thankfully both the Resident Evil Revelations games have delivered solid survival horror experiences more akin to the likes of Resi 4 or 5, because until then with the direction Capcom were heading with 6 it looked like we were about to be treated to zombified Gears of War revival. The variations you can have in gunning guys down is the only saving grace here, but everything else from the overblown machismo characters (inflato-armed Chris Redfield looks hilarious) to the enemy 'zombies' who'll return fire from behind cover, there wasn't a thing that actually felt like a Resident Evil game. Plenty hardcore fans will say the same thing going as far back as even Resi 4's first revolutionary camera-switch, but it was with 6 where the major opinion feared the direction the series was heading following RE 5, only for Capcom to put every foot wrong come this one's release.
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