15 WTF Moments In The Bioshock Trilogy

13. Elizabeth's First Tear - Bioshock Infinite

bioshock jedi
2K Games

When first given the proposition of saving the mysterious girl in the tower, it's unclear what exactly makes her worth all the trouble Booker goes through. It's only upon seeing her for the first time and witnessing her ability to tear through reality itself that players realize just how important she must be.

Her importance is hyped up until this point, but seeing her make that first tear illustrated perfectly why you must protect her at all costs. There couldn't have been a more effective way to introduce a character that plays such a pivotal role in the plot than showing the exact reason why Comstock covets her so badly (well, along with one other reason that'll be covered later).

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Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.