15 WTF Moments In The Bioshock Trilogy

12. Doctor Steinman Is In - Bioshock

Steinman Bioshock

There are certainly plenty of different homicidal maniacs and psychopaths in Rapture, but Dr. Steinman was players' first psychopath with a name that they encounter, so there was something special about it. From the blood-covered walls to the audio tapes discussing his obsession with making his patients 'perfect,' he made his presence felt throughout the Medical Pavilion.

Once you reach the end and finally get to meet the man himself, he's just about as unhinged as you assumed he was. Three corpses in a crucifixion position are revealed above him as he gradually slices away at a still living patient. Upon seeing you, he takes out his machine gun and starts shooting wildly in your direction.

After hearing all of the horrible things he had done to his patients, it was so satisfying to take Steinman down. However, after seeing all of the destroyed corpses and hearing all of the traumatized people in the audio tapes, it was difficult not to feel like you were still too late.

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Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.