16 Best Video Game Moments Of 2018

2. "GOTCHA LENNY!" (The Entire Drunk Saloon Sequence) - Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 Drunk

Kingdom Come gave us a gloriously ridiculous drunken night in 16th Century Bohemia, but how would Rockstar tackle the same subject matter? By leaning into everything that makes a haphazard night on the tiles as an outlaw so much fun, of course.

The mission itself is meant to be a quiet few drinks with pal Lenny, but quickly devolves into Arthur drinking his bodyweight in whiskey.

Before long you're accidentally breaking glasses, chastising members of the saloon for not being Lenny, and best of all, starting a fight with random NPCs, only for the game to cut as both Arthur, Lenny and the entire establishment are enjoying a line dance.

You'll attempt to drown a guy, throw up, laugh together, and eventually go on the run from the law screaming, "You'll never take me alive!"

For the hybridised film-meets-game cinematography and a script that keeps the whole thing hilarious, this is an early indicator that Red Dead 2 is something truly special.

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