16 Best Video Game Moments Of 2018

1. Getting The Blades Of Chaos - God Of War

God Of War Blades Of Chaos

Everything about the more solemn, contemplative Kratos reflects the maturity inherent in Sony's latest batch of exclusives. He's a broken man, failing to even keep his family together after wife Faye dies, and from here on in, the once-angry Spartan still has to raise a child, despite not knowing how.

You eventually find out about a key object hidden in the Underworld after son Atreus falls ill, and it's a place Kratos notes he can only go, if he's appropriately prepared.

Cut to a wonderfully dark and powerful scene where Kratos talks once again with the original trilogy's Athena, and begins digging into the depths of his house. Inside are the Blades of Chaos, synonymous with destruction and wanton nihilism, and yet, his new life was built right on top of them.

Uncovering the Blades, you unlock an entire new skill tree, and only by embracing Kratos' old self, does he have a chance at building a future.



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