16 Best Video Game Moments Of 2018

11. Sony's Iconic Boot-Up Noise - The PS1 Classic

Sometimes it's the little things, and though Sony couldn't of known just how much the sound effect for their company logo was going to become etched into millions of childs' and teen brains, this above diamond symbol came with one of the best noises ever recorded.

Thankfully, it's also the first thing that'll greet you upon booting up the PS1 Classic.

Now, the system itself has been roundly shat upon for not including the 60hz versions of its beloved titles, but if you live in the UK or any other PAL region... that simply isn't a problem. These ARE the versions we grew up with, and revisiting them - awash in old-school PlayStation splendour, from controller to back-of-the-box codec frequency - is a nostalgic rush like no other.

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