16 Best Video Game Moments Of 2018

10. Resurrection - Detroit: Become Human

Detroit Become Human Markus

Back to proper games, and though many parts of Detroit's wannabe weighty narrative fall flat from David Cage's leaden script, Markus' resurrection succeeds immensely on imagery alone.

Coming after he's been wrongly accused of killing his human mentor, we resume his storyline at the bottom of an android disposal facility.

See... Markus is not dead, and within seconds we embark on a "Shawshank meets Terminator" sequence, as he scans his fellow half-dead companions for usable parts. Cage really plays on the God of War/Dante's Inferno imagery as Markus is occasionally grasped at by scores of arms extending from the rubble, but the overall feeling is one of revenge, survival and determination.

This is arguably the best scene in the game, and one that cements Markus as the next fan-favourite after Connor.

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