16 Best Video Game Trilogies Of All Time

7. Metal Gear Solid

Metal gear solid 1 liquid snake

Depending on your penchant for out n' out craziness, you could see the direction MGS took after the relatively-believable first instalment (although on reflection, flying gas-masked telekinetic villains aren't the most relatable) as where creator Hideo Kojima looked to go one way, only to then dart the other and never return.

For everyone who did get on board, MGS2's bait n' switch to play as Raiden helped flesh out the mystique of Snake himself, alongside showing what happens when a creative mastermind like Kojima is let loose with new technology and a few books-worth of commentary on everything from war to politics, philosophy and anything in between. All three games take just enough influence from the filmic world and twin them with gameplay sensibilities and control schemes to make the whole thing identifiable as something less aping of the silver screen like say, The Last of Us, developing a cult following precisely because of that.

Snake Eater chose to again move away from what was expected narratively and delve into the history of the world, giving purpose and backstory to a different Snake whose machinations as an eventual villain overshadow the series, making for a brilliant trilogy-capper that featured some of the best boss battles in the franchise so far.

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