16 Best Video Game Trilogies Of All Time

6. Batman: Arkham

Arkham Knight 2008 Nolan Skin

Referring to the Arkham series as a trilogy is a strange one, as plenty fans are willing to completely dismiss Origins - despite it having some spectacular Joker-specific scenes with Troy Baker's talents providing a brilliant stand-in for Mark Hamill. The general feeling of being 'more of the same' meant gameplay was still great fun, it just didn't have that Rocksteady-specific sense purpose you see again in Arkham Knight, but players had fun with it regardless.

Besides, Arkham Asylum and City are now downright legendary, the first proved you could do a superhero game with enough weight and purpose to make it appealing to those outside a love for the Bat-mythos, and the second taking everything you thought you knew about Asylum's structure to branch out into a full open-world chunk of Gotham.

The influence this had is still felt everywhere the 'Batman combat' appears (y'know, the whole one-button counter and combos leading to special moves thing) like in Shadow of Mordor. It wasn't just the combat though, you can tell in any screenshot from the trilogy that Rocksteady just get everything Batman is about (they leant their tech to Warner Bros. for Origins), from the visuals of Gotham with its pockets of colour showing signs of life worth saving, to Batman's sharp-eared character model that casts one hell of an imposing shadow. Arkham Knight can't come soon enough.

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