16 Best Video Game Trilogies Of All Time

2. Mass Effect

mass effect 3 ending normandy

It's mighty hard to cast aside your feelings on 'that ending' when addressing the Mass Effect trilogy - too easy is it to linger on the last interaction you have with a property after the credits roll - as if you look back across the entire trilogy there's hundreds of hours-worth of impeccably-crafted content delivered through memorable characters and a universe that genuinely felt alive.

If EA hadn't got their grubby mitts on the DLC plans the ending of ME3 would've been far more palatable, as things like Leviathan and From Ashes went quite a ways to explaining just who the Star Child was, and what you could expect if you ever interacted with it. Back to what went well regardless of supplementary content, and from the first slow zoom-out as Captain Anderson read out your personal Shepard's backstory to barely making it through the Suicide Mission and having a thousand stories to tell at the close of ME2, if you start a new campaign over again you'll end up having just as many more epic experiences as the first.

Mass Effect is the newer generation's Star Wars, stuffed with races, technology and a million other galaxy-specific elements that will surely be pulled apart in the future.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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