16 Best Video Game Trilogies Of All Time

13. Crash Bandicoot

crash bandicoot

Remember when consoles used to have mascots? You can essentially point to exclusive characters and say they represent a company's name, but back in the 90's Sony were looking for someone with the requisite 'attitude' to define their new Playstation, happening almost by chance on Naughty Dog's latest creation.

Luckily, thanks to some advanced rendering techniques and the compression of art assets on the disc, Crash and the luscious environments around him ran like a dream, popped with enough visual fidelity to rival animated flicks on the big screen, and ultimately had the tightest 3D platforming mechanics since Mario 64. It was a design philosophy the team would apply to their future products too, making each subsequent release just as much a knockout as the last - meaning that what Crash 2 set in place with it's level-selection and general sense of humour would be capitalised with Crash 3: Warped, introducing a bazooka to proceedings and furthermore adding to the colourful cast of characters.

Looking back you can see why Naughty Dog had to move away from the franchise and onto other projects, leaving poor Crash to the mercy of any other developer who fancied a go, but those three first games easily hold up as phenomenal examples of exactly how to do timelessly loveable 3D platformers.

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