16 Best Video Game Trilogies Of All Time

12. Gears Of War

Gears of war 3

Another example of perfected gameplay taking precedence over cinematic tropes or the idea of all three games only making sense when played together, Gears' morphing of Resident Evil 4's gunplay to apply a pop-in, pop-out cover system ended up revolutionising third-person shooters forever more.

It worked a treat, being consoles like the 360 now had the requisite programming might to really pull off the visuals and impact of a high-octane firefight, and with developers Epic employing their Unreal Tournament-style ultra-violence, sequels Gears 2 and 3 would up the ante with some Fatality-esque Execution moves.

Throw in the fact that the heroes you were playing as were easily just as memorable as any 90's action hero - spouting one-liners at just the right time and gravel-throating their way through some apocalyptic exposition - and you had a trilogy of games that upped the previous one in every way. Gears 3 still has one of the most memorably affecting deaths in all of video games when a certain character sacrifices himself for the good of the cause.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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