16 Best Video Game Trilogies Of All Time

11. Devil May Cry

devil may cry 3

One slightly naff instalment does not a bad trilogy make, and even if you take DMC2 as red, the first and third games are still lightning-fast excursions in how to deliver thrills in spades, topped off with memorable characters, weapons and a world that oozed style and charm without ever having to let up on the gas pedal for their duration.

DMC 2 is the 'dark sequel' that took hero Dante and made him into more of a shoe-gazing mumbler than the eccentric cocksure motormouth of the first game, but it still introduced some awesome moves like running straight up walls only to flip off them and continue your combo, as well as a sweet 'demon-infested city' aesthetic that the reboot of DmC would revisit in 2013.

Overall though, you'd be hard-pressed to find a game that does this style of action so impeccably well - especially for the time - and for all the glory God of War gets, there's always been far more on offer for combat aficionados here than in Sony's first-party brawler. Not to mention some of the most slickly-cool boss fights of all time whenever you tackle Vergil in DMC 3.

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