16 Crucial Questions For 2016's Most Anticipated Video Games

14. Will Hitman Come With Enough Day-One Content?

Release Date: March 11 The new Hitman game certainly looks like a ton of fun, but there's one major concern: IO Interactive are only releasing a certain amount of content on launch day and then rolling out the rest episodically (for free, mind). They've confirmed that the day-one package will come with access to three locations (Paris, France; Sapienza, Italy; and Marrakesh, Morocco), six campaign missions, 800 assassination targets and weekly live events. Three new locations are to be added over time (Thailand, the U.S. and Japan), along with more missions and targets, but the mere six campaign missions is especially setting off alarm bells. Considering that the prior Hitman game had 20 missions, it really makes it feel like we're just getting a small slice of a game on release, and by the time the "full game" is delivered to players, they may have moved onto other things. Can IO prove us wrong? Prediction: The 800 assassinations is a nice idea, but let's face it, they're all probably procedurally-generated NPCs, and it seems highly likely that reviewers and fans alike will complain that the game's campaign content simply isn't there. Even if each mission takes an hour, that's just six hours of story-driven gameplay, which feels like a major step down from prior titles.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.