16 Essential Open-World Video Games Coming In 2017 & 2018

16. Assassin's Creed Origins

Assassin's Creed Origins

Returning from a two year hiatus - one aimed at both giving Ubisoft's various teams a breather, and letting us actually want another Assassin's Creed for a change - Origins is thus far, doing a lot right.

Genuinely stunning graphics, a level of historical accuracy that should give us all a history lesson as we're gutting targets and riding camels, some upended combat mechanics and a more Witcher 3-looking feel - it's all looking mighty promising.

At this stage there'll be millions of us investing in 'more Assassin's Creed' just out of morbid curiosity, but with Ubi realising they need to get it right to secure the franchise's future, all eyes are on Origins to stick the landing.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.