16 Laziest And Ill-Conceived Pokémon Ever

5. Luvdisc - Gen III

When you Google worst Pokémon ever you are guaranteed to find Luvdisc on any page you click on. Luvdisc has topped countless lists of Worst Pokémon Ever all over the internet. The wide distaste for Luvdisc seems to be the worst of both worlds, hated for its abilities and appearance. Considered to be completely useless in every aspect imaginable, Luvdisc's worthless contributions to the world of Pokémon is only topped by its hated design. As nothing more than a simplistic heart shape with little detail added for eyes and a mouth, fans should be happy that this one is tough to capture so they rarely have to look at it. This cheap Pokémon looks like it was created on a shoe-string budget. It would be instantly forgettable were it not for its infamous hatred around the internet and Pokémon community. Out of 718 Pokémon, no one is putting Luvdisc in their top 717 favorites.
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From filling an empty stomach to sleeping in until noon, Chris Combs ensures to enjoy all of life's simple pleasures. Poet, explorer, and all around gentlemen. This scholar is a pop-culture melting pot of useless information that would win any game of trivial pursuit. Follow him on Twitter to get inside his mind @OrganicChris23