16 Laziest And Ill-Conceived Pokémon Ever

1. Klefki - Gen VI

And finally I get to that ring of keys that I have been hinting at for the entire article. One of Pokémon's newest additions, I am surprised that there hasn't been as much internet backlash from what feels like a downright insult to Pokémon fans of all ages. There have been bad and awful ideas for Pokémon, but never before has there been something so pathetically lazy and uncreative that you just want to forget the entire generation exists. At best anyone could describe Klefki as so deplorable and reprehensible that we fans probably deserve an apology for its creation. The idea that Pokémon thought it was okay for fans to dish out full price for a game that introduced the lowest amount of new Pokémon of any generation to date (by a long shot) then make Klefki one of those Pokémon feels disgraceful to the franchise. Absolutely zero work went into giving this random object found on the animator's desk personality, character, or any sense of identity as a Pokémon. What makes things even worse is that Klefki doesn't even evolve to make up for any of its existence. So it's just a solitary Pokémon that was only created to be filler in an already small collection of new Pokémon. Of all the entries on this list, Klefki is the biggest fear that the Pokémon franchise is losing momentum unlike ever before. If designers can only deliver Pokémon of such low caliber as Klefki, it makes fans worry for Gen VII and how little creativity will go into that set of games€”that is Klefki's worst offense. Lazy in every sense of the word, Klefki is without a doubt the Pokémon franchise's biggest monument to ill conceived Pokémon. Agree? Disagree? What did I forget to include and who should not have been here? Let me know in the comments.
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From filling an empty stomach to sleeping in until noon, Chris Combs ensures to enjoy all of life's simple pleasures. Poet, explorer, and all around gentlemen. This scholar is a pop-culture melting pot of useless information that would win any game of trivial pursuit. Follow him on Twitter to get inside his mind @OrganicChris23