16 Most Controversial Gaming Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

6. The Delays

There's kind of a paradox going on with this entry, because shockingly, delays aren't actually the worst thing that can happen to a game. In fact, almost every title that ever gets delayed always ends up better when it finally releases. But it's gotten to the point where a game released on time is the exception, rather than the rule. From Arkham Knight to Uncharted 4, announcements of new titles today come with the expectation that its eventually going to be delayed somewhere down the line, so delays in general become less matters of "if" and rather "when". And that's a big problem. If a game unexpectedly needs to be pushed back it's frustrating, but it's better for everyone in the long run. However, it's a completely different situation when a game is announced obviously way too early in order to build up hype, when the publishers and developers know there'll be no way that it'll be able to hit the already vague release window that's been set. Games don't always need to be announced and hyped years in advance, hell, do you think there'd even be a small impact on sales if Fallout 4 was announced tomorrow to be coming out next week? No way.
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3