16 Most Controversial Gaming Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

15. Capcom Is Still Selling On-Disc DLC

It's not 2009, is it? That's the only reason that fully explains why Capcom, or any company for that matter, is still selling video game content that's locked behind a frustrating pay-wall. Sold as DLC, the content of this said 'download' is actually on the very disc you've already paid up-front for, yet Capcom constantly wants to charge you even more for something you've rightfully purchased in full. While practices like this started years ago, most companies and publishers have grown out of such deceitful behaviour - mostly because content on a disc that's been 'locked' and needs to be payed for later, is easily found by tech-savvy coders and programmers. But Capcom, even after years of constant criticism, still can't seem to shake this shady tactic. As recently as 2012's Street Fighter X Tekken, the publisher was still holding content to ransom that should have been be available to anyone who purchased the game in the first place.
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3