16 Most Controversial Gaming Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

14. The Entire SimCity Launch

Although every gamer has tried to repress the memories of the time when DRM was considered the "future of gaming", this highly controversial feature was at one point going to be included in just about every contemporary title going. In a way, it was rather fortunate that the launch of SimCity provided the prime example as to why a DRM future simply wasn't feasible. Why a major online component was needed in a primarily single-player game in the first place was a worrying topic even before release, but the game's publisher EA promised fans that the feature would only help - rather than hinder - the final version of the game. They couldn't have been more wrong. Releasing out the gate completely broken, the title was essentially unplayable for weeks after release. To make matters worse, when it did actually work and came online, bugs, glitches and frustrating crashes would collapse the whole experience all over again. While EA had previously stated that a version of SimCity without DRM would be impossible, a single-player only version of the game eventually saw a release - but by that point the damage was already done.
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3