16 Most Ridiculous WTF Moments In Metal Gear Solid History

5. Vamp Survived Being Impaled By Drinking His Parents' Blood

Pretty much everything about Vamp is a bit too ridiculous, but again, he's part n' parcel of what made MGS 2's "Like it or lump it!" approach so divisive. Having survived being shot in the head, combusted inside out and again, shot square in the dome with a sniper rifle, he still survives to eventually return in MGS 4, good as new. However, his origin is far stranger - being he was once buried alive in a church bombing in his home country of Romania, where for two days straight he resorted to feeding on the blood of his fellow family members for sustenance. Oh, and he was pierced by a crucifix at the time too, so his first resurrection (before all the nanomachine therapy and what-have-you) was actually some sort of divine intervention, because y'know, God loves to reward those who drink the blood of the innocent. Hey, wait, that's not right...
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