16 Most Ridiculous WTF Moments In Metal Gear Solid History

4. Young Ocelot's Cat Call

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItvclICnwgI Sometimes, a military leader just needs to rally his troops through the defining call of a cat, y'know? Young GRU leader Ocelot (way before he learned how to use a revolver and took the name) thought such a thing was a good idea, too - but you'll still be thoroughly taken aback when he first does it in Snake Eater. Coming right in the middle of an intense standoff between Snake and Ocelot, the latter breaks the silence by literally meowing like a cat, to which his custom unit of specially-trained soldiers appear out of nowhere. It sounds ridiculous, but this is also the game that introduced super-spy femme-fatale EVA by unzipping her boiler suit from neck to belly button, before a man so old he's begun to photosynthesise challenged you to a sniper duel. Standard Metal Gear, then.
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