16 Ways To Tell You're A Video Game Buff

15. You Remember The 'Good Old Days' When Xbox Achievements Used To Mean Something

Gears of War's 'Seriously?' achievement (killing 10,000 other players online) is something that will either be a goal you laughed at thinking nobody would ever try to get it, or it was your sole reason for existing back in 2006. Before Sony's Trophy system came along and took some of the exclusivity away from the whole Gamerscore idea, racking your total up above your friends was a justifiable method of video game cock-strutting.

14. You View Anyone Who Refuses To Play A Game With A Runtime Of 60 Plus Hours As Weak

Chances are if you ever looked forward to a new release swallowing up entire weeks of your existence every few years, you're a justified video game buff. However, the once-flawless Final Fantasy's of old have been replaced with the ever-glitchy and not-so-perky Battlefield series, still taking up huge chunks of time but without fostering the same mentality as a good old fashioned RPG. There are far less of them these days too, with the biggest mass demographic time-sucker being the all-conquering Skyrim.
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