9. People Referring To Final Fantasy VII With Anything Other Than Tears Of Joy In Their Eyes Are A**holes
It's still sad that Square Enix have never released an HD-upgraded version of FF7, complete with fancier hand-animated cutscenes and an overall lick of paint. However the furious amount of criticism they'd receive should they touch ANY other aspect of the game would surely reanimate Michael Jackson and send him Thriller-ing his way into a neighbouring studio to release yet another posthumous album. It remains one of the greatest video games of all time, and no amount of bandwagon-hopping 'oh-it's-popular-so-it-sucks' modern day posturing can change that.
8. Anyone Going Anywhere Near 'Video Games Being For Kids' Is A Neanderthal
2013 was a great year at ushering in many titles that advanced the medium into wider realms of recognition, especially in terms of instilling drive and player agency, yet it's still a generational mindset frequently trotted out that the millions of us indulging in things such as team-based objectives or thought-provoking narrative experiences are just wasting our time. Four words: The Last of Us.